about me

On my first day of Journalism School the tutor asked my class what we hoped to do with our Diploma in the future. Most of my classmates wanted to write for a local or national newspaper, reporting on crime, politics and travel. When my turn was up I boldly told my peers: “I want to be the Editor of Vogue magazine”.

The class laughed, but I didn’t mind. I felt like a 6-year-old again, telling my friends ‘what I want to be when I grow up’, like some sort of dream from my wildest imagination. While it may happen in another lifetime I will never lose sight of that dream, it will always be shimmering in the distance like a mirage.

In the ‘real world’, I have a passion for fashion and styling that is bordering on a serious obsession. I think about fashion all day long, lay awake at night going through what outfits I have {and wish I had} and where I will wear them, I plan my summer wardrobe at the start of winter and arrange my closet in a strict, categorized manner {coats, leather, furs, blazers, vintage, day dresses, party dresses, skirts, shorts, pants, jeans, scarves and belts … IN. THAT. ORDER}. My best friend {Glam} and I email each other 20 times a day to share our latest inspirations, purchases and outfit ideas.

Writing about fashion and beauty allows me to combine two passions of mine – what could be better? I am well aware that many people go through life doing things that they don’t actually enjoy doing, so I feel very blessed to have found my true passion in life. Keki and Glam is an extension of that – a way for me to share my obsessions and inspirations with the world, as well as being a personal style diary to chronicle my daily looks.

When I am not obsessing over new-ways-to-style-an-old-outfit, scrolling through the many style blogs I religiously follow or attempting to fishtail braid my hair, I can be found enjoying the beach in one way or another {surfing, windsurfing, swimming or walking}; hanging out with the love of my life, my friends or my family; horse riding; or heading off on an adventure of some sort. I plan to showcase a little bit of my “life outside of my fashion obsession” on the blog from time to time, just to keep things interesting.

I hope you enjoy reading Keki and Glam as much as I enjoy writing it. If you are interested in working together {writing or styling}; sending press releases; sponsoring the blog or advertising on it; OR you have a FAB idea for Keki and Glam please do not hesitate to contact me: kerrie.felton@gmail.com.



Kerrie Patricia Felton

E | kerrie.felton@gmail.com

A | 42 Elliston Crescent, Stanmore Bay, Auckland 0932, New Zealand

P | +64 22 422 5394